Introduction: "Time Machine" [Concept]

althoff / Pixabay
althoff / Pixabay

Do you know the series Dr. Who? The "Bilingual Classroom" is pretty much a "TARDIS" - the blue Police Telephone Box that Dr. Who (in the BBC-series of the same name) travels around in, a time and space machine that makes time and space relative.


The TARDIS is "dimensionally transcendental, meaning it's bigger on the inside than the outside. The interior exists in a different, relative dimension to the exterior" - same as the "Bilingual Classroom" contains more on the inside than it appears to judged from the outside.


And while "the TARDIS usually changes its exterior appearance on each trip to blend in with its surroundings", so is also the "Bilingual Classroom" liable to constant change and development, apting up to your respective needs and the current situation in the classroom.

Wallpaper.Wiki / CC0
Wallpaper.Wiki / CC0

But while Dr. Who is in charge on the TARDIS, you are the one making the decisions here:


Do you want to ......

  • ... get a better overview on a topic dealt with in class?
  • ... catch up on the contents of a lesson missed out on?
  • ... prepare for a lesson, topic or exam coming up in class?
  • ... learn more about a topic at your own pace or level?
  • ... revise a topic previously not or not thoroughly understood in class?
  • ... prepare a presentation and look for suitable material and resources?
  • ... know more about a topic of personal interest dealt with in class?
  • ... obtain some of the material handed out in class, either missed out on or lost?
  • ... find (interactive) exercises, weblinks, skills files, board-charts, diagrams, audio- and video-files related to the different topics dealt with in class?
  • ... virtually "travel back in time" to have a look at some of the topics previously dealt with?

You can do all of this just by entering the "Bilingual Classroom" via the access key handed to you at the beginning of the term - from any place, on any mobile-, tablet- or computer-device with internet-access, at your own speed and level, and at any given time.


Quotations / Reference: